



火币(HTX )






2023-04-10 14:21:46 2462

摘要:12月26日,中央广播电视总台发布了2022年国内十大财经新闻。China Media Group (CMG) presented the top 10 business news stories from China in 2022 on...


China Media Group (CMG) presented the top 10 business news stories from China in 2022 on Sunday.

1. 中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会胜利召开 我国迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程

The 20th National Congress of the CPC was held in October, at which China announced a new task to build a modern socialist country in all respects under the rule of law.

The 20th CPC National Congress opens at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, October 16, 2022. /CFP

2. 我国高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展 全年经济总量将超120万亿元

With China aligning its anti-COVID-19 policy with economic development, the country"s economic output is likely to exceed 120 trillion yuan ($17.23 trillion) in 2022.

A worker makes photovoltaic panels at a plant in east China"s Jiangsu Province, November 2, 2022. /CFP

3. 北京冬奥会全球观众人数破纪录 带动我国冰雪经济快速发展

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics attracted hundreds of millions of viewers, resulting in an economic boom for the ice-snow sports industry.

Kids skating on an ice rink in Beijing, China, December 1, 2022. /CFP

4. 全年粮食产量连续八年超1.3万亿斤 端牢饭碗底气足

For the eighth consecutive year, China reaped a grain harvest of over 650 billion kg, securing food security for its citizens who "hold their rice bowls firmly in their own hands."

Rice fields in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, China, November 6, 2022. /CFP

5. 我国煤炭产量创历史新高 原油产量预计超2亿吨 新能源装机规模保持快速增长 有力有效支撑经济社会发展

China"s coal output reached an all-time high in 2022. Meanwhile, its crude oil output is expected to exceed 200 million tonnes. China"s installed renewable generation capacity also grew rapidly, providing strong support for economic and social development.

A coal yard in Rizhao City, east China"s Shandong Province, September 2, 2022. /CFP

6. 我国外贸保持稳定增长 为国民经济恢复向好做出积极贡献

China"s trade grew steadily, providing support for economic recovery.

Containers at a port in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, China, November 6, 2022. /CFP

7. 中国空间站全面建成 国产大飞机C919交付运营 我国航天航空业取得重大进展

China successfully completed the construction of its space station. The C919, the country"s first self-developed jetliner, was also delivered to airlines.

Chinese scientists work on a key component of China Space Station. /CMG

8. 白鹤滩水电站全面投产发电 世界最大清洁能源走廊建成

Baihetan hydropower station, the world"s second-largest in terms of total installed capacity, was put into operation in December, contributing to the country"s green development and carbon-neutrality goals. The project marked the completion of the world"s largest clean energy corridor connecting the resource-rich west with the energy-consuming east via six mega hydropower stations on the Yangtze River.

An aerial view of Baihetan hydropower station, southwest China"s Yunnan Province, May 20, 2022. /CFP

9. 覆盖13.6亿参保人 全国统一医保信息平台全面建成 医保服务方式更多更快更灵活

China completed a unified national platform for medical insurance information, covering a population of 1.4 billion people.

People visit a hospital in Jinhua City in east China"s Zhejiang Province, December 5, 2022. /CFP

10. 我国建成全球最大移动宽带和光纤网络 新基建助力产业动能释放

China constructed the world"s largest mobile broadband and fiber optic network.

A 5G base station in Qingdao, Shandong Province, May 30, 2020. /CFP

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